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Photos / Videos 2015

[16.12.2015] We strengthen the struggle against imperialist war and our country's involvement

[14.12.2016] Protest at the Embassy of Kazakhstan

16.12.2016 No compromise with poverty and misery

[09.12.2015] Press Statement of the KKE on the European Communist Meeting 

 [04.11.2015] KNE salutes the mobilizations of the school students

 [31.20.2015] The KKE issues a call from the Acropolis: Solidarity with refugees, condemnation of the EU and NATO






[10.10.2015] Thousands of the people and youth at the festival of KNE

[24.09.2015] PAME holds demonstration in solidarity with refugees and immigrants

[07.09.2015] The youth on the path of struggle together with the KKE

[07.09.2015] Major demonstration of PAME in Thessalonica

[28.08.2015] The alternative solution that is in the people's interests is to be found on the path to overthrow capitalism. This requires a strong KKE in every sector and neighbourhood.

[23.07.2015] No to the new barbaric memorandum. You are either with the monopolies or the people

[16.07.2015] No Surrender! The workers'-people's struggle is the way out

[15.07.2015] PAME Occupied the Ministry of Macedonia – Thrace at Thessaloniki

[12.07.2015] 24th Anti-imperialist weekend of KNE: The communists in the front line of the struggle

[10.07.2015] No to the new "leftwing" memorandum

[03.07.2015] We do not choose the anti-people measures of the EU, IMF and government

[27.06.2015] KKE: NO to the continuing bankruptcy of the people

[22.06.2015] Greek and foreign workers united

[22.06.2015] The KKE honoured the First Captain of the People's Army (ELAS), Aris Velouchiotis

[18.06.2015] The KKE honoured the communist poet Nazim Hikmet

[03.06.2015] Mikis Theodorakis "I spent my best years in the ranks of the KKE"

[02.06.2015] The visit of D. Koutsoumpas to Turkey: We are united in our faith in Marxism-Leninism,  in the strength of the working class

[22-24.06.2015] 10 years since the death of Harilaos Florakis: He was a leader of the people because he was a communist

[20.05.2015] Strike in the public hospitals

[20.05.2015] The workers continue to die for the interests of capital

[17.05.2015] 35th Marathon March

 [09.05.2015] The KKE honoured the 70th anniversary of the Antifascist Victory

[08.05.2015] On the Meeting of the Secretariat of the European Communist Initiative of the 29 CPs

[05.05.2015] MEETING OF COMMUNIST PARTIES IN DONBASS: The struggle against Fascism is an integral part of the struggle against capitalism!


[01.05.2015] Delegation of the KKE at the May 1 demonstration in Kiev

[01.05.2015] Workers' May 1 2015. The solution is to be found in the class struggle!

[23.04.2015] Demonstration of PAME at the offices of the EU in Athens against the EU's immigration policies

[20.04.2015]  The fascists must be condemned

  [27.02.2015] Mass rally of the KKE against the new anti-people agreement

[22.01.2015] A powerful KKE provides hope

[17.01.2015] The youth must support the KKE

 [11.01.2015] A powerful KKE is a pillar of support for the people