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KKE: No to Greece’s participation in NATO exercises in preparation for nuclear war

Oct 17, 2024

KKE: No to Greece’s participation in NATO exercises in preparation for nuclear war
Fighter planes worth millions of euros, bought with the money of ...
The attempt to terrorize conscripts who speak out against our country's participation in the wars must stop immediately

Oct 9, 2024

The attempt to terrorize conscripts who speak out against our country's participation in the wars must stop immediately
A conscript has been targeted by the bourgeois parties the last ...
On the one-year mark of the genocide of the Palestinian people by the Israeli state

Oct 8, 2024

On the one-year mark of the genocide of the Palestinian people by the Israeli state
Today, one year after the beginning of the genocide of the ...
Strengthening the rallying of the youth around the KKE

Oct 4, 2024

Strengthening the rallying of the youth around the KKE
On Saturday 28 September, the European Communist Action (ECA) ...
Statement on the developments in the Middle East

Oct 2, 2024

Statement on the developments in the Middle East
The Press Office of the CC of the KKE issued the following ...

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On the Cyprus Issue

Positions and materials of the KKE on the developments around the Cyprus Issue


On the war in the Middle East

Sep 5, 2024

On the war in the Middle East
In the last few months, the whole world has witnessed a generalized attack of the political-military machine of the Israeli state against the Palestinian people, especially in the Gaza Strip. ...
On the revolutionary regroupment of the communist movement and its independence from the interests of the bourgeoisies and their allies

Oct 25, 2023

On the revolutionary regroupment of the communist movement and its independence from the interests of the bourgeoisies and their allies
A few days after the 1st anniversary of the beginning of World War I, the socialist parties from 11 countries (Germany, France, Russia, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Italy, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Sweden, and Norway) held a conference in Zimmerwald, Switzerland, which wasrecorded in history ...
Contribution of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) at the 23rd International Meeting of Communist and Workers’ Parties (IMCWP) in Izmir

Oct 20, 2023

Contribution of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) at the 23rd International Meeting of Communist and Workers’ Parties (IMCWP) in Izmir
We salute the 23rd International Meeting of Communist and Workers’ Parties. ...
We make a vanguard contribution to the reinforcement of the current disputing the dominant policy among the people by intensifying our ideological - political - organizational action

Jul 28, 2023

We make a vanguard contribution to the reinforcement of the current disputing the dominant policy among the people by intensifying our ideological - political - organizational action
The following article by Dimitris Koutsoumbas, GS of the CC of the KKE, on the post-election developments and the tasks of the Party was published on 22/07/23 in the newspaper Rizospastis - organ of the CC of the KKE. ...
On the war in Ukraine and China’s “proposals for peace”

Mar 27, 2023

On the war in Ukraine and China’s “proposals for peace”
“Those at the top say: Peace and war Are of different substance. But their peace and their war Are like wind and storm. War grows from their peace Like son from his mother. He bears Her frightful features.” B. ...
On the ideological–political confrontation at the 22nd International Meeting of Communist and Workers’ Parties and the “trick” about the “anti-Russian” and “pro-Russian” sentiment

Nov 28, 2022

On the ideological–political confrontation at the 22nd International Meeting of Communist and Workers’ Parties and the “trick” about the “anti-Russian” and “pro-Russian” sentiment
The discussion about the results of the International Meeting of Communist and Workers’ Parties (IMCWP) held in Havana continues. Some forces and even bourgeois newspapers sought to interpret the results of the IMCWP through their own prism. ...
Written Contribution of the CP of Greece (KKE) at the 3rd International Ideological Seminar of the CP of Venezuela

Nov 3, 2022

Written Contribution of the CP of Greece (KKE) at the 3rd International Ideological Seminar  of the CP of Venezuela
Dear comrades, Thank you for the invitation to your seminar. On the occasion of our presence here, we would like to once again express the firm solidarity of the KKE with the communists, the Communist Party, and the people of Venezuela. ...
Interview with Lefteris Nikolaou-Alavanos, KKE MEP, on the imperialist war in Ukraine

Sep 1, 2022

Interview with Lefteris Nikolaou-Alavanos, KKE MEP, on the imperialist war in Ukraine
Q: I would like you to comment on the political atmosphere prevailing in the West towards Russia, "Russophobia", as the Italian journalist Giulietto Chiesa called it. ...
On the stance of the RCWP on the imperialist war in Ukraine

May 10, 2022

On the stance of the RCWP on the imperialist war in Ukraine
Following the article on the stance of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (CPRF), we would also like to respond to some questions about the stance of the Russian Communist Workers’ Party (RCWP) regarding the war in Ukraine; questions which also arise from some unfounded remarks made ...
On the imperialist war in Ukraine and the stance of the CPRF

May 3, 2022

On the imperialist war in Ukraine and the stance of the CPRF
“A struggle for markets and for freedom to loot foreign countries, a striving to suppress the revolutionary movement of the proletariat and democracy in the individual countries, a desire to deceive, disunite, and slaughter the proletarians of all countries by setting the wage slaves of one ...